Wellness on Court

201-1021 Court Ave. Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

Have you experienced a work place injury or are you experiencing pain from a motor vehicle accident? Do you have chronic discomfort related to sprains, strains, soft tissue damage or a host of other musculoskeletal issues? Dr. Peter Rutherford is a chiropractor with over 30 years of experience, and he wants to help.

His formal education started at the University of Winnipeg where he obtained his BSc.. He then relocated to Life Chiropractic College West in sunny California where he earned his D.C. (doctor of chiropractic).

His track record speaks for itself. Many of his patients have been with him since he opened his practice in 1991 and, many travel from rural Manitoba and, occasionally form other provinces just to see him.

Just what sets him apart? Dr. Rutherford genuinely cares about the well being of his patients and demonstrates this with the time he takes with each one, listening carefully before any treatment is administered. If you are in his office, you are his priority. He is never in a rush to get you off his table. He is an expert in his field and you will benefit not only from his years of experience, but also from his dedication to assess, treat, and implement a treatment plan tailored for you.

Victoria Baldwin was raised in the Interlake Region of Manitoba. After completing a bachelor of science at the University of Manitoba she attained a Doctor of Naturopathy from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. Victoria’s dream is to be an endless student and strive for excellence in order to better serve her community.
  • Wellness On Court  is situated at suite 201-1021 Court Avenue, Winnipeg Mb. R2P 1V7
  • You can reach us at 204-421-9101 or text us 204-481-1436. Our e-mail address is wellnessoncourt@gmail.com.
  • We are all about maintaining health and wellness using the most natural means possible.
  • We believe that science and nature should compliment each other rather than compete.
  • We believe that every season of life should be lived to the fullest.
  • We believe in finding the root cause of your problem rather than merely treating your symptoms.
  • We are natural practitioners, we are health coaches.
  • We want to help each of our patients obtain and maintain the best life possible.
  • At Wellness on Court, you might say that we are HOPE DEALERS & NATURAL HEALERS.
  • Our common goal is that whoever you are, or wherever you are from, we want to assist you on this magnificent journey called LIFE.
  • 201-1021 Court Avenue Winnipeg Mb

Wellness is a lifestyle and it is up to up to us as individuals to take the steps needed to maintain our health and well-being.

The word wellness is often associated with clinics, spas, essential oils, organic foods, recipes and the list goes on.  My computer dictionary gives the following definition "well·ness| ˈwelnəs | noun the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal: measures of a patient's progress toward wellness | a healthcare system focused on wellness, not sickness | [as modifier] : company health and wellness programs." I particularly appreciate the part about wellness being "an actively pursued goal." I believe that when it comes to our health and well-being we have way more power and influence than we like to admit. Don't get me wrong, practitioners can play an active role in our health but ultimately we need to take the reins back. Let me give you an example from my health journey.

I remember a time I was confronted with a rather personal health issue. While the details  are relevant they are also intimate so I will simply share the progression of my approach and the outcome of my decisions. My health issue started out small and insignificant but it bothered me. During a routine check up with my family physician I mentioned the problem to him. He merely shrugged his shoulders and told me that he did not know what it was or why it was happening. I interpreted his lack of concern to mean that I need not worry about what was happening in my body. I put my faith in his professional view, after all he was the expert. The problem however did not respect his expert opinion and grew worse. I went back a second time and informed my physician that the situation was in decline and had not resolved itself. I pressed for answers and got none. Once again he merely shrugged and told me that he did not know what was going on and offered no insights whatsoever. I have to say that I appreciate his honesty, he did not try to ply me with medications to treat the symptoms but he also was not looking to find the root cause of the medical issue. I resorted to a metaphor. I told him that if my car had a small problem I would rather fix it while it was still a minor issue rather than wait for it to become a major issue. My body should in the very least get the same concern as my car. Clearly something was breaking down in my system. He shrugged. Over the months that ensued my problem became more pronounced. I went to see him a third time and finally he arranged an appointment with a specialist but I had already  come to my ropes end, I had started to look for answers myself. I read articles relating to my problem, I visited a natural path, and was told that I needed to change my diet and take some supplements. I also kept my appointment with the specialist who was finally able to tell me what was happening. He also informed  me that I would likely need a medical procedure. I took all of the new information I had gleaned and implemented a plan of action. I changed my diet, took the supplements, lost weight, got in shape and well I never had that medical procedure after all. My problem resolved itself....or did it?

I learned  huge lessons from this experience, the most monumental of which was, never stop looking for answers and when you finally find them be willing to change both the way you think, and  your actions . Change is not easy for many of us, but if we keep doing the same things while expecting a different outcome we deceive only ourselves. Of course we should take advantage of the knowledge and expertise of health experts, however it's up to us to get second opinions, and it's up to us to follow through with making the lifestyle changes for optimum health.

By Gerri Anderson

Why should you book an appointment with a chiropractor? Chiropractors can help you with musculoskeletal problems using natural and non evasive treatments to help bring pain relief, and healing.

Who should visit a chiropractor? The answer is simple, chiropractors are experts in helping people with musculoskeletal problems therefore, anyone with a skeleton. This means that a chiropractor can help you with problems that you currently have, such as injuries suffered from improper lifting, ergonomics related to work and postural problems. 

Do you suffer from pain related to being in an automobile accident? Chiropractors can often help you find relief and give advice to help speed recovery.

Chiropractors can also help to prevent problems related to the everyday activities of life.  Whether it’s a problem with the way we sit for hours at work, to the repetitive lifting, twisting, and bending that we subject our bodies to daily. Chiropractors can help. 

Chiropractors use a combination of spinal manipulation (adjustments), soft tissue therapy, and ergonomic assessment (the daily habits you have which cause the problem) to help you solve the problems you are experiencing. Their approach to helping you achieve relief is both natural and non-invasive.